Going into learning “Unruly Heart”, one of the things I knew I would need to work on was the strum pattern. Once I found the key I wanted to play in, I practiced the chords and transitions between them without a strum pattern. I then experimented with different strum patterns that I already knew but none of them quite seemed to fit. That’s when I decided to look on YouTube for other people covering the song on the ukulele. I was able to find two ukulele covers of “Unruly Heart”, one of them did not really have a strum pattern since the singer just continuously strummed down, and the other cover (linked below) used a strum pattern that I had a hard time figuring out.

In the end, I decided to figure out a different strum pattern for my cover of the song. The strum pattern that I use is DDUUDU, I use this throughout most of the song except for at the beginning and the very end because I like the way it sounds when I start and end simply by strumming down on the chords.